An artwork is a device for communicating expression. What if one could express the raw gestures and material interactions that a sculptor feels when sculpting? Even though sculptors have passed down tactile knowledge and material literacy has somehow survived; each new generation must re-learn tacit-touch knowledge through personal experience. My background in classical sculpture has taught me that object modeling is an iterative process that uses ‘reinforcement learning’ through real time material engagement. However, that experience is not carried over to computer rendered object modeling processes and we don’t share in ‘real-time’ tactile haptic cogeneration of sculptures. However, increasingly available haptic robotic technology can be combined with rapid object modeling to uncover material literacy. Therefore, I am applying haptic feedback robotic technology to interactive art in order to open up new haptic sculptural experiences.
Address the ‘hands-on’ knowledge and practice deficits of current machine assisted object modeling by developing interactive haptic-tactile material experiences within the field of interactive robotic art.
Target Audience
Artist, Designers, Makers, DIY Types, Architects, Machinists, Wood & Metal Workers
Assumed Audience Knowledge
Level tag for technical talk. Beginner
Five Things Audience Members Will Learn
- Why is touch important?
- Who can benefit from touch knowledge?
- Can we communicate touch knowledge?
- What can robotics do for the future of touch?
- Can touch knowledge be lost?