FITC Amsterdam 2012

2012-02-27 00:00:00 2012-02-29 00:00:00 America/Toronto FITC Amsterdam 2012 FITC Amsterdam 2012 is host to more, better and different topics in design, technology and cool shit than ever before! Amsterdam FITC Amsterdam



An Influxis Voodoo lounge presentation
Only at FITC. Free drinks. 30 minute presentations. Cool topics! Unique, on-the-fly presentations from the worlds top creators.

These days everybody talks about the Kinect and how to use it. We have built several interactive installations and Wim was tired of detecting bodies, faces and hands. That’s why he decided to use all his creative and technical power to built something out of the box. Or better: out of your ass. At FITC we would proudly present the first Ass Detector (and the road to this experience of course). ps : it really works 🙂