Meteor allows you to quickly create new web applications. Using a single code base for the client and the server, no-sql mongo, template-oriented UX organization and painless deployment, designing and developing with Meteor is fun. But the real game changer is Reactivity.
Reactivity is made up of two parts – data sources and computations. When you build a page, Meteor remembers the computations that use reactive data sources. Then, when a data in a reactive source changes, the computations that depend on the data are invalidated and re-run – which can re-render the affected parts of your application. The true beauty of it is that it’s all automatic. You don’t need to write any code to watch for changes – Meteor does all that for you.
Learning to build web applications in the Reactive Style gives you more time to concentrate on UX than traditional web development. Being able to side-step much of the application setup and data management frees you to focus on providing a pleasurable experience as well as useful functionality.