To start, Erin wants to discuss the process of making the main title sequence, emphasizing the weight and the significance of 2020 especially at a conference focused on technology. She will talk about the concept, the song choice (including a little about licensing the music), how they interpreted that concept/song and created a narrative around it, then developed a look and executed their vision. In addition to some top-line conversations, Erin will also breakdown a scene so she can share their pipeline and production process.
After that, she will talk about how fundamental design principles and an understanding of animation (or whatever specific craft you are focused on) production will carry them through the burst of technology, platforms and well into the future. Erin will break down those fundamentals, not only emphasizing design and technology, but also talking about interpersonal skills and how more important they are than ever as things get more and more virtual.
Sarofsky’s goal is for you to take away the depth of thinking and craftsmanship that went into the making of FITC’s 2020 titles… From concept to execution as well as those fundamental skills that will always be the base of any project you tackle in your career.
Target Audience
All 2D and 3D artists/designers will appreciate this lecture, as well as editors, VFX artists, futurists, film-makers, story tellers and anyone looking for a dose of inspiration as we head into a world with all the deliverables and all the platforms.
Assumed Audience Knowledge
Ideally a little after effects and cinema 4D but, even if they have no clue, a lot of it will be top line enough that they still get a lot out of it. Additionally, Erin will be covering larger concepts of collaboration, design principles and where we are headed as an industry.
Five Things Audience Members Will Learn
- They will learn the process of starting with a small brief/theme to developing a fully finished product
- See a breakdown of a CG scene
- An overview of the basic skills (practical and personal) that will impact your career and work
- An honest thoughtful look at moving forward with technology evolving at warp speed
- How to be a good collaborator