Let’s agree that there is a slight but very important difference between Toronto, ON and Toronto, OH. Or ask the British couple that bought a last minute ticket to Sydney, NS instead of Sydney, AUS.
Same applies to your app: understanding the location piece is critical to creating immersive user experiences, read sticky, relevant, potential money making experiences. Many try to leverage local, from cool start-ups like Localmind, to big platforms like Localeze, and the reality is there are very good reasons for you to do so with your product/service or client’s brand/strategy. But at the end of day, no matter how ‘hyperlocal’ you go, it has to make your app better, with little or no effort.
Local search evangelist, Jonathan Lavoie-Levesque, will share valuable insight on how Location can dramatically improve user experience, no matter what your platform, brand, screen or app is about. Using concrete examples as well as novel ideas, this session will take you through the various facets of local and demystify some of the clichés around location-based services. With the right approach and technology, local becomes a true driver of user engagement and overall relevancy.