Spotlight: Web Performance

2019-03-23 00:00:00 2019-03-24 00:00:00 America/Toronto Spotlight: Web Performance Web performance has come a long way. From how we once defined what web performance was, to the actual tools that we also once used to make said measurements. But this dark art has moved into the spotlight, as the near ubiquitous use of frameworks,… Toronto FITC Toronto



Patrick will walk through using WebPageTest for performance analysis. The session will do a quick overview on basic usage and then dive deep into more advanced capabilities and features. He will explore different ways to measure the “user experience”, what the newer metrics like Time To Interactive mean and how best to detect and analyze performance issues. WebPageTest also provides a relatively powerful scripting interface for measuring beyond a basic “page load” and a REST API for automating, both of which will also be explored.


Tips, tricks and best practices for analyzing web performance with WebPageTest.

Target Audience

Engineers working on websites (front end, back-end and Dev-Ops)

Assumed Audience Knowledge

Basic understanding of HTML, HTTP and how websites are constructed and loaded.

Five Things Audience Members Will Learn

  1. Web Performance user-experience metrics
  2. WebPageTest analysis workflow best practices
  3. WebPageTest automation
  4. WebPageTest custom metrics
  5. Measuring performance deeper into sites with navigation flows and page interactions