Spotlight: React 2018

2018-12-01 00:00:00 2018-12-02 00:00:00 America/Toronto Spotlight: React 2018 We’re taking a deep dive into ReactJS and hope you’ll join us to learn how you can leverage this increasingly mainstream technology in your work. What will be covered? Seven killer talks, one LOW price…. 10KB or Bust: The Delicate Power of Webpack and Babel… Toronto FITC Toronto



You’re building your next web app. Which one do you choose – React or Vue?

If you’re not sure of the pros and cons, this talk will help you understand the tradeoffs of picking one over the other. By comparing and contrasting these two powerhouse frameworks, Simon will be sharing insights into what you should focus on when laying the foundations for your next work or side project.


To help web developers understand the core questions they should be asking when planning their next web app

Target Audience

Intermediate to senior level web application developers

Assumed Audience Knowledge

Should be intimately familiar with at least one web application framework (React/Vue/Angular)



Five Things Audience Members Will Learn

  1. What to look for when planning your next web app
  2. How API impacts how developers use a framework
  3. Third-party library comparison (Vuex vs Redux, vue-router vs. react-router)
  4. The politics of how decisions around the future of the React and Vue are made
  5. A comparison of the popular design patterns of each framework