FITC Amsterdam 2010

2010-02-22 00:00:00 2010-02-24 00:00:00 America/Toronto FITC Amsterdam 2010 The combination of unbelievable international presenters, incredible networking opportunities and the infamous FITC parties, all with the amazing backdrop of the city of Amsterdam, creates a stage set for the unexpected. Amsterdam FITC Amsterdam



Designers aspire to pixel perfection, developers care about functional intent – are these truly irreconcilable differences?

Learn to just get along in this session as we explore tips and tricks to help improve the dynamic of the Designer/Developer workflow. Tools and techniques for both the developer and designer, along with workflow principles will be examined, at times mockingly, to improve workflow efficiency.

Designers and developers don’t always speak the same language – ideally attendees will learn some approaches and tools to ensure less is lost in translation between a concept and its execution.