FITC Toronto 2015
The Hub
All new for 2015, we’ve added the HUB room! Working with many industry partners, we’ve put together some interactive birds of a feather type activities for all attendees to enjoy.
Come and go as you please throughout the session, and gets hands on experience
CTT Diorama-rama
From smoke signals, pigeons, beacons, semaphore, telegraph, telex and the internet to the internet of things. Join the Creative Technologi…

Doodle Lab
Evolution isn’t made by one person; it takes a team and time to create something bigger than yourself. Join the Doodle Room for a re…

Empower Your Innovation – Explore the Future of Tech
A new wave of smart devices has emerged! Driven by increasingly powerful yet tiny and efficient processors, these devices allow us to coll…

Kids & Coding – An Innovation Challenge
As digital technology becomes more and more ingrained in our daily lives, it will become increasingly important that the next generation o…

MakeLab Pop-Up 3D Printing Studio
MakeLab is brining its fleet of 3D printers to The Hub for drop-in designing. Join the MakeLab team for a crash course on 3D printing wher…

Samsung Gear VR Demo
Take a step into virtual reality as the Samsung Developer Connection team showcases Gear VR with immersive demonstrations in three categor…

Virtual Reality Immersion Lab
Virtual reality is set to change the future of storytelling and immersive entertainment. Let us bring VR explorations to you – trave…

Viva the Wearable (App) Revolution
Apps have always played a critical role in making our tech useful and wearables are no exception. With smartwatches, fitness trackers and …