FITC Toronto 2015
! or ?
Chip Kidd explores when design should be clear, and when it should be mysterious. And what happens when the two get mixed up. Read more…

Chip Kidd
“It’s all a matter of Perspective.” Incorporating Play to Help Solve Problems
To encourage open-ended behaviour and flip perspective on a problem, it is important to incorporate play. Jessie’s learned a lot about how to infuse play into problem solving through a lifetime… Read more…

Jessie Shternshus
The Improv Effect
5 Things Every Designer Should be Doing Right Now
Ever wonder if there’s an easier way to design effectively and work with CSS and HTML? How to get assets out of a PSD an in a meaningful web format?… Read more…

Paul Trani
5 years of three.js
On April 24th in 2010, Ricardo uploaded the first version of three.js to GitHub. Since then, this 3d library has managed to attract more than 400 contributors and is being used in… Read more…

Ricardo Cabello
8 Secrets to Intergalactic Conquest
In this shiny new lecture, GMUNK will share 8 pearls of wisdom off the record, up close and deeply personal — rules that keep him fresh & balanced as an… Read more…

A Many-Coloured Glass
Software developers and designers are some of the most creative and imaginative people on the planet – confined, for the most part, behind glass. What happens when the barriers of… Read more…

Peter Nitsch
All About Smart Watches
Let’s talk about making apps for smart watches. These exciting new platforms are growing rapidly, and have the potential for unique and meaningful experiences. But before you start making your… Read more…

Brian Pullen
The Working Group (TWG)
All Your Vectors Are Belong To Us
Where you’ll find 1000+ slides and a few not-so-random thoughts about the pros and cons of creating with code and living through software. Also featuring: the confessions of a geometry… Read more…

Marius Watz
Art and Money : The Key to Making a Living
Pursuing a creative career is difficult and oftentimes, the odds of financial success are complicated. Do you settle on work that isn’t exactly what you want or do you wait… Read more…
Beyond the Screen – Building Projects and Art with the Internet of Things
This session will be a crash course in using things other than PCs, tablets, and phones to build beautiful, connected experiences. The session will cover microcontrollers, sensors, LEDs, wireless communication,… Read more…

Branden Hall
Automata Studios
Brain Hacks
It doesn’t matter if you’re a developer, a creative, an artist or simply a technogeek, we all create wonderful things and we’re constantly pushing our brains to their limits. Or… Read more…

Max Rusan
Bricks, Mortar and Bloody Knuckles
It’s no secret that the creative process for an artist is a lifelong and brutal journey. We all figure it out as we go picking up tips, tricks, and mistakes… Read more…

James White
Building Real Time, Open-Source Tools for Wikipedia
Wikipedia is one of the most frequently visited websites in the world. The vast online encyclopedia, editable by anyone, has become the go-to source for general information on any subject.… Read more…

Rob Kenedi
The Working Group
Building Strong Code Through Patterns
Building strong, extensible code is the goal for most developers. Lately in the rush to get products shipped, it seems more and more that we are relying on code pieced… Read more…

Mickey MacDonald
Building the Dragon Age Interactive Story Summary
The ISS provides Dragon Age fans with an online cinematic overview of the choices they’ve made in the Dragon Age games. Though simple in concept, building a super low-bandwidth (~100x… Read more…

Grant Skinner
Creating Content that Captivates
Jason offers an intimate insight into his conceptual process from building a professional studio to working with renowned brands on innovative media installations. By revealing the art of ideation, Jason… Read more…

Jason White
CTT Diorama-rama
From smoke signals, pigeons, beacons, semaphore, telegraph, telex and the internet to the internet of things. Join the Creative Technologists of Toronto and learn the basic skills needed to create… Read more…
Digital Hegemony: How Designers Dupe Users (by Accident)
Great user-centered design is all about enabling, empowering, and supporting the people who use our products. Except when it’s not. Every day, well-meaning designers craft well-intentioned experiences that inadvertently dupe, disempower, restrict, exclude, marginalize, oppress,… Read more…

Erik von Stackelberg
Digital Kids on Branding, Privacy and Technology Bias
Kids are growing up in a society filled with ubiquitous mobile devices and access to the world’s knowledge literally at their finger tips. We are seeing students who are mobile… Read more…

Andrew Smyk
Sheridan College
Doodle Lab
Evolution isn’t made by one person; it takes a team and time to create something bigger than yourself. Join the Doodle Room for a real-time experiment – an old school… Read more…
Empower Your Innovation – Explore the Future of Tech
A new wave of smart devices has emerged! Driven by increasingly powerful yet tiny and efficient processors, these devices allow us to collect and analyze information like never before. The… Read more…
A conversation about motivation and getting a bit better each day. Everyday projects are a great way to learn a new skill or tackle something bigger. They help you get… Read more…

Failure, Success, & Goals: It’s a Journey
Join the founding director of FITC as he takes us through his personal journey through 27 jobs and 9 companies, including some bumps and some surprises. Shawn’s a self confessed… Read more…

Shawn Pucknell
Flash Professional CC: The Future of Animation
With expanded support for publishing natively to new platforms like HTML5 Canvas and WebGL, the ability to extend support to custom platforms through the new “Custom Platform SDK,” creative tools… Read more…

Ajay Shukla
Fostering Collaboration: Pattern Libraries / Rapid Prototyping
Realize the benefits of using a living pattern library and rapid prototyping to increase communication and collaboration between designers and developers. In this session, Bermon reviews a case study from an… Read more…

Bermon Painter
From Box to Bots in Minutes
From an unopened box of Arduino parts to a public, internet-controlled device in less than 30 minutes.
See how the latest tools from Influxis have made it easier than… Read more…
See how the latest tools from Influxis have made it easier than… Read more…
Front-end Tools: Sifting Through the Madness
The front-end tools landscape is growing at an exponential pace. Every week there are new plugins, new coding methodologies, new native apps, new JavaScript utilities, new jQuery plugins, new build… Read more…

Louis Lazaris
Gavin has bludgeoned his way through his creative career using the sledgehammer of excitement, smashing down the walls of knowledge with the brute force of bright colours, positivity and childlike enthusiasm. Give him an… Read more…

Gavin Strange
Aardman / Jamfactory
Grant Skinner Unplugged
Grant is currently CEO of three companies. He’s built gskinner from a wildly unsuccessful solo venture into a 20 person team building world-class interactive experiences for A-list clients like Microsoft,… Read more…

Grant Skinner
Graphic Designer to Object Designer: Your 3D Printing Evolution
3D printing with Photoshop is here. Find out how Photoshop 3D printing capabilities let you create, perfect, preview and print your 3D designs. Also learn what you need to know… Read more…

Paul Trani
Growing Objects
Jessica will profile Nervous System’s efforts to revolutionize product design through generative techniques, 3d-printing and interactivity. Along the way, she’ll take several long detours into the realms of natural pattern formation,… Read more…

Jessica Rosenkrantz
Nervous System
Handheld Healthcare: Haiti to Tricorder XPrize
CloudDX’s device and participation in the Qualcomm Tricorder XPrize international competition traces its roots to the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. At the time, Sonny travelled to the country as a physician… Read more…

Sonny Kohli
How to SURVIVE the Creative Industry
Presenters tell you how to be successful with your career, but do they ever tell you how to fight your way through the competitive creative industry? Do they ever reveal… Read more…

Jason White
How We Used To, How We Will
The photo-sharing website Flickr has a ten-year history of trying out new things. From its origin as a feature spun off of a massively-multiplayer game, through the dark days of… Read more…

Eric Socolofsky
Interacting with Intel Edison
This talk will introduce the audience to Intel Edison, Intel’s newest maker platform. It will show how Edison can be transformed into a smart, natural device by teaching it to… Read more…

Esther Jun Kim
Interactive and Collaborative Art for the Mobile Web
Mobile browsers are getting faster and more powerful. Better graphics, sounds and lower latency of interactions offer new mediums for creativity. Instead of considering the next social app for exchanging… Read more…

Kawandeep Virdee
Kids & Coding – An Innovation Challenge
As digital technology becomes more and more ingrained in our daily lives, it will become increasingly important that the next generation of consumers and employees, regardless of their vocation, to… Read more…
Lean UX Lessons Learned from One Dozen Projects
Software is defining our era, and how we build software is an essential human practice with profound effects. It sucks to be doing it wrong.
Nick discusses how Lean UX,… Read more…

Nick Van Weerdenburg
Live Video in a Modern Web Environment
As progressive as the web is today, there are still many major limitations around delivering live video across all connected platforms. In this presentation Matt Fisher, Video Playback Engineer at… Read more…

Matt Fisher
Living inside a Cronenbergian film
Join a conversation about Body/Mind/Change Redux.
Hear from producer Ana on this ambitious project: a complete digital extension of TIFF’s exhibition David Cronenberg: Evolution, which immerses audiences in a “Cronenbergian” world inspired… Read more…

Ana Serrano
CFC Media Lab
MakeLab Pop-Up 3D Printing Studio
MakeLab is brining its fleet of 3D printers to The Hub for drop-in designing. Join the MakeLab team for a crash course on 3D printing where you’ll design an object… Read more…
Making Mixed Reality Living Spaces
How may virtual and tangible realities come together to create the living space of the future? This talk will walk you through the making of a prototype for a mixed… Read more…

Bernardo Schorr
Marketing Opportunities with Wearable Tech: Today and Tomorrow
With all new tech comes new ways for brands to connect with consumers. With computers and smartphones we saw banner ads, email and SMS marketing, but what will be the… Read more…

Tom Emrich
The Next Dimension
Masters of the Universe
We are born creative people. As children we are taught at an early age to foster and cultivate our creativity through drawing, painting and craft. To have fun with what… Read more…

James White
More Things I’ve Learned
A follow up to the critically acclaimed, ‘Things I Have Learned’ presentation from 2010, where Hoss shared life lessons from the importance of exercise to how much programmers should be… Read more…

Hoss Gifford
New Platforms, New Content, New Strategies
The ongoing proliferation of screen platforms creates new opportunities and challenges for content developers and producers. Definitions and boundaries blur in the transmedia world, and producers find the old models… Read more…
Pneumatic Solenoid Sound Pixel Machine
Sophi will tell the story of being handed 75 air solenoids and some other hardware totalling about $1000 for free. What else could there be to do, but buy a… Read more…

Sophi Kravitz
Project Plans and Other Bullshit
A common problem when developing software for clients is that they’re not sure what they want, but they need to know how much it’ll cost and how long it’ll take… Read more…

Kurt Krumme
Rapid Prototyping with Front End Frameworks
Building software products is an expensive, confusing and error prone process (even for developers!). Finding available developers is an ongoing resource constraint. Many solve these problems by trying to define… Read more…

Alexander Blom
Isle of Code
Realness – Design Thinking for Agile
Design Thinking and Agile Scrum: two “theoretically” revolutionary ways to design and develop software
products — neither made to work together. Learn from two real guys who found real… Read more…
products — neither made to work together. Learn from two real guys who found real… Read more…
Rolling Your Own CSS Methodology
When you work with a large project or team over time, you either develop an airtight system for writing CSS or you spend half your day deciphering mystery code while… Read more…

Dave Shea
Samsung Gear VR Demo
Take a step into virtual reality as the Samsung Developer Connection team showcases Gear VR with immersive demonstrations in three categories: Apps, Experience, and Gaming.
Join us in the pop-up in… Read more…
Service Design & The Internet of Everything
What happens when we approach Service Design through the lens of technology and connected devices? The Internet of Things (IoT) promises to change the way we interact with everyday objects and… Read more…

Ramy Nassar
1000 Days Out
Steps on a Creative Career Path
Ash will focus his talk on his career path thus far – the ups and downs, and how he was able to overcome particular obstacles. Using his own career experience as an example,… Read more…

Ash Thorp
Super Sleep Fighter II
Your output today is a generations input tomorrow. Were all in the business of making memories, and that’s a very privileged place to be. Let Gav share his own personal… Read more…

Gavin Strange
Aardman / Jamfactory
The Art and Science of Shipping Single Page Apps with Ember.js
Jesse is the Director of Front End Engineering at Invision and a technical author for O’Reilly Media. As early as 2005, he began to focus on JavaScript and the evolution… Read more…

Jesse Cravens
The Collective Throwdown
Watch as three design vets grill each other on their Process, Routine, Stories of Failure, Inspirations and EVERYTHING in between, All Truth. Read more…
The Internet Is Made of People
I’ve spent the last 6 years writing a song and posting it on YouTube every single day. That’s 2300+ days straight. I’ve had lots of viral successes, like the time… Read more…

Jonathan Mann
The Internet of Things Will Kill Us All
It’s easy to dismiss a lame term like the “Internet of Things” – it’s a catchphrase only a PR firm could love. But we shouldn’t dismiss it outright. It’s here today… Read more…

Tommy Lewis
Microsoft Canada
The Life of <p>
Beautiful, Readable, Responsive Typography from the Inside Out.
Typographic design has been evolving and improving for centuries, but it’s only been in the past few years that we’ve been able… Read more…

Jason Pamental
The New Rules to Decoding Your Customer
Steve looks at how brands can change the way they communicate with and understand their customers through lessons learned through crowdfunding. We live in a time of the lean startup and… Read more…

Steve Tam
The Rise of the Unemployables
Silicon Valley (and commercial enterprise in general) has been promoting a dangerous new definition of creativity. Capital gain, as the end-all-be-all, has infected both our intellectual freedom and our imagination.… Read more…

Sheena Matheiken
The WAY to YAY
Creatives, artists, writers and travelers have a few things in common – including the fact that they’re all somehow trying to find their way to yay. Shantell has been finding her… Read more…

Shantell Martin
The Working Dead
How to survive the plague of undead institutions and create a company that can kick ass and take brains.
Do you work for (or with) a Zompany? A Zompany is… Read more…

Jason Theodor
Through Technology, into Imagination
It will destroy us, it will save us, it will get our projects funded. Technology is such a big hammer that everything can look like a nail. But what if… Read more…

Micah Elizabeth Scott
TV And Digital: Why Can’t We Be Friends?
Jarrett leverages his background in immersive entertainment as President of Digital Howard to demonstrate the process, funding, similarities and differences (and crossover) between traditional and digital media. To show what’s… Read more…

Jarrett Sherman
Digital Howard
Understanding Your Core
What’s at our core opens a world of opportunity for each and every one of us.
Naomi shares her stories of how understanding her core has enabled her to achieve… Read more…

Naomi Atkinson
Whosit & Whatsit
Unity 5.0 Overview
Mark, a Unity Technologies Evangelist, will present a full overview of the newly released Unity 5.0 as well as take and in-depth dive into Unity services such as Cloud Build,… Read more…

Mark Schoennagel
Unity Technologies
Untangle The Mess In Your Team’s Process
Project management in a studio or agency seems to be a black art. Some do it well, others struggle. There are numerous methodologies and frameworks out there to manage your… Read more…

Daniel Schutzsmith
Natural Resources Defense Council
Virtual Reality Immersion Lab
Virtual reality is set to change the future of storytelling and immersive entertainment. Let us bring VR explorations to you – travel distant and exotic landscapes, take front row seats… Read more…
Viva the Wearable (App) Revolution
Apps have always played a critical role in making our tech useful and wearables are no exception. With smartwatches, fitness trackers and smartglasses in the hands of developers, we are… Read more…
VR Workflow: A Full Case Study
Heralded as a game changer, virtual reality has no doubt been a significant topic of conversation and focus in the last few years. As manufacturers rapidly develop and evolve the… Read more…

Pietro Gagliano
Transforms AI
Way to Go
Hugues tours audiences through this ground-breaking 360° interactive experience. He also shares the technological and creative process behind its creation, and will be available for a Q&A afterwards.
Way to Go is a… Read more…

Hugues Sweeney
What’s new in ES6 for Web Devs
Wondering what the future has in store for JavaScript web developers? ECMAScript 6 (ES6) is the next major release of the ECMAScript language specification a.k.a. JavaScript. In this talk, Rami… Read more…

Rami Sayar
Why Does my Fridge Need Twitter?
More and more everyday objects are getting connected – fridges, doorbells, thermostats – even kettles. The present state of the art, along with the Maker movement, makes it really easy for… Read more…

Mark Rigley
Why Everyone Should Own a Giant Robot Arm
It started as an off-hours hobby, but when Biying and Matt (Co-Founders of Hot Pop Factory) began 3D printing and distributing a retail product right out of their home, their… Read more…

Biying Miao
Hot Pop Factory
Why Would You ‘Can’t’?
The thing that most often holds us back isn’t a temporary creative block, lack of opportunity or lazy collaborators. We’ve seen the enemy, and it is us. Kim is award… Read more…

Kim Alpert
Make Amazing Inc
Why You Can Start Using Web Components Now
Web Components are the future of web development. Custom Elements, HTML Imports, Templates and the Shadow DOM form the basis for the creation of a new and larger family of… Read more…
Workshop: Introduction to Gear VR Development in Unity
Seating is limited – Free to Attend – RSVP
The Gear VR is a powerful tool for communicating virtual reality experiences. In this workshop you will learn how to develop a… Read more…
Workshop: Think Like Them: Solving UX Problems
Please note: This is a full day workshop to be held on Saturday April 11 from 10am to 5pm and is available to holders of the WORKS tickets and the… Read more…

Jessie Shternshus
The Improv Effect
Workshop: Your Life in Data: Tracking and Visualizing your Personal Data (Processing)
Note: This all day workshop will run from 10-5pm on Saturday April 11, and is available to WORKS and WORKSHOP ticket holders.
Quantified Self is not just an obsessive hobby, it is… Read more…

Marius Watz