FITC Unconference @ MAX 2009
Advanced Tips and Tricks with the Gaia Framework
The Gaia Framework for Adobe Flash is one of the most popular frameworks in the industry. It dramatically reduces development time and costs, and provides solutions to the most common… Read more…
Steven Sacks
Architectin’ RIA’s with the PureMVC Framework
AGENDA: Architect new projects of all sizes in a more scalable and maintainable way with the free & powerful PureMVC Framework. Revisit projects and easily add new features. Collaborate on… Read more…
Sam Rivello
Custom Event Reporting from Flash to Google Analytics
With the ability to define and report custom events from within your Flash application, you retain control over how specific events are reported and the information contained in these reports.… Read more…
Joseph Labrecque
F**k your blue boxes, facebook
Brands and clients have a sense that they should be involved in social media, but they don’t know why. This year, our client Naked Juice stated that “they wanted a… Read more…
Edward Herda
Flash Catalyst: not just a designer tool – developers workflow techniques
Flash Catalyst enables designers to increase their creative productivity and leverage their existing skills to create a stand-alone Flex application. It also facilitates collaborating in a team when creating Flex… Read more…
Elad Elrom
30 minutes Live-Session with the Actionscript Sound-API Orchestra! Read more…

Andre Michelle
Flash, WordPress and Remoting – Three Great Tastes that Taste Great Together
Flash is the most ubiquitous rich media plug-in around the world, and WordPress has been downloaded more than four million times; why not combine them?. In this session, learn how… Read more…
Dino Petrone
Flex, Java and MVP
Model View Presenter is a powerful design pattern born for GUI architectures, in this session you’ll see how design an AIR application that uses local db storage and java services… Read more…

Giorgio Natili
Akamai Technologies
Fun With Balls
In this fun and informal session, Grant will show a wide variety of experiments he has built using circles and spheres as the core concepts. He will touch on concepts… Read more…

Grant Skinner
Hearing Pictures with The Ludi Machine
Flash’s sound capabilities are constantly improving — including sound visualization in version 9, and now sound generation in version 10. With sound visualization in version 9, we saw a lot… Read more…

R Blank
Integrating Flash and Hardware
With the continually decreasing cost of hardware, and the trend towards open source, it is now easier to get started with electronics than ever before. The next obvious step is… Read more…
Kevin Hoyt
Intro to F*CSS
F*CSS is a new AS3 library that allows you to add support for CSS in your projects. F*CSS’s goes well beyond the native StyleSheet class by supporting style inheritance, pseudo… Read more…

Jesse Freeman
Large, Physical, Flash
Learn the how behind some of the large, physical flash experiences Second Story has created, such as the Music Genres Table and the Great War Tables. How do you build… Read more…
Thomas Wester
Leveraging the Open Source Media Framework
The Open Source Media Framework (OSMF), currently in public prerelease, enables developers to easily assemble pluggable components to create high-quality, full-featured media players and playback experiences. In this session you… Read more…
Derek Wischusen
Mapping and Geolocation with Flash Technologies Old and New
Discover the long history of Flash and mapping and some of the technologies that make it happen. Learn about libraries and APIs that enable Flash developers to plot the world.… Read more…

Ryan Stewart
Motion in Experience Design
What’s the importance of motion in interactive experiences? What are the different functions in the broad range of interactive experiences? How does it relate to technology and performance and what… Read more…
Remon Tijssen
MultiTouch: code, hardware, patterns
The next year will bring an avalanche of bad multitouch interfaces. You will write some of them. Some will be so gloriously bad they’ll inspire something great. Let’s get the… Read more…
Tim Kukulski
Multiuser Development with the Union Platform
Colin Moock explains the code and concepts behind developing multiuser Flash content with his Union Platform. Read more…

Colin Moock
Play With Vectors
In this technical and creative session about vectors Koen will explain how vectors fit in 3D transformations, uvt mapping, advanced drawing api,…If you want to know where to use vectors… Read more…

Koen De Weggheleire
Realtime with Flash
In this session, Ralph shows his passion for realtime effects. Using his work and experience of working on the Papervision3D engine and his personal experiments, he takes us through a… Read more…

Ralph Hauwert
Unity Technologies
Robotlegs Crushing Your Face: An Introduction
Robotlegs is a lightweight AS3 MVCS Micro-Architecture inspired by PureMVC. Robotlegs was created to provide a small, loosly coupled application framework that is easy to test. Where other frameworks are… Read more…

Joel Hooks
Save Yourself Now: What Your Boss Won’t Tell You
Robert Reinhardt teaches you how to build up your self-defense skills as an independent contractor for multimedia/web design and development. If you’re considering venturing out on your own or don’t… Read more…

Robert Reinhardt
Step Away from the Computer
While a large majority of the work we produce at Big Spaceship ends up delivered on a computer screen, the crew spends a lot of time creating away from the… Read more…

Joshua Hirsch
Technical Diversity, the Key to Growing in a Bad Economy
Red5 project leader and Infrared5 CEO, Chris Allen will showcase some of the latest innovations his company is working on, and how they kept busy in a down economy. Chris… Read more…

Chris Allen
The Apparat
I will present Apparat: a framework to manipulate and optimize SWF files. The session will mainly focus on Apparat’s ThreeAddresssActionScript (TAAS) compiler.More info at Apparat and at TAAS. Read more…

Joa Ebert
The Flash Developers Guide to building iPhone Applications
If you think the current lack of Adobe Flash on the iPhone is holding you back from entering the iPhone Application development world, it may be time to rethink that… Read more…
Adam Venturella
The Ultimate Flash and Flex Development Environment
The FDT team, the creators of the flash community recognized development tool for professional ActionScript and MXML developers, is going to introduce the ultimate development environment setup, based on their… Read more…
Track’n-N-Convert’n RIA Ninja Skills
In 30 minutes you’ll learn: where your money’s going, who your customers are, where they are coming from, and where they are spending time on your rich media site, blogs,… Read more…
Troy Gardner
User-Centric Design within the Digital Agency
If you work in an organization where time and money are both in abundance and clients clamor for user personas while your project manager understand you need 7 phases before… Read more…
Sean Scott
Video Production on the Cheap
In this presentation I’ll give you tangible ideas and real-world examples of producing effective videos–with practically no money. And my point is not that quality equipment has come down in… Read more…
Phillip Kerman
Visualizing Voice: Using the Flash Microphone for advanced interaction
Using the Flash Microphone for advanced interaction
Microphone access is a generally untapped, yet a huge advantage for Flash developers and designers. Let’s break it open. Chuck will explore a… Read more…
Chuck Freedman
Seb share’s his experience on the Papervision3D team and as Technical Director at Plug-in Media putting the fun back into digital, whether through Flash games, projects that involve the wider… Read more…
Seb Lee-Delisle