FITC Chicago 2008
Presentations Sneak Peek at Online Web Apps
One of the most ambitious projects ever attempted to be built in ActionScript 3, A.viary is a suite of sophisticated web applications for designers, 3D modelers and musicians. This session… Read more…
Avi Muchnick
Adaptable Interfaces
This will be a wide focus show and tell of next generation interfaces from both Jon’s personal work and that of Schematic. As users get more sophisticated, their demand for… Read more…
Jon Ruppel
Adobe Keynote
Take a look at Adobe’s innovating new and existing platform technologies including Adobe AIR, Flex, Flash, BlazeDS, ColdFusion and more. Galvan will walk the audience through overviews of these technologies… Read more…
Becoming AS3: 10 Things AS1/2 Hybrid Coders Should Know
AS3 isn’t just a new version, it’s a whole new world, with applications that can run up to 30 times faster than those written in earlier versions! This talk by… Read more…

R Blank
Beyond the Knowledge: The Art of Playing
Sometimes the most effective way to captivate an audience is through delivering an experience that defies the convention. Pioneering the bleeding edges of technologies is not unlike spending countless hours… Read more…

Erik Natzke
Building on AIR: Developing AIR Applications with Flex – WORKSHOP
Note that this is a pre-event workshop day (Sunday, June 22), and therefore is only available to those who have ‘the works’ ticket, or the ‘pre-event workshop’ ticket.
This course… Read more…
Zach Stepek
Do The Right Thing. Do The Thing Right.
Robert will look at the best practices in design and visual communication. How and why convey what to whom – when, where, and with which intended result? Strategic counsel, practical… Read more…

Robert L. Peters
Flash 2D & 3D Effects
In this session Ralph will look at how to create stunning visual effects using the Flash API and AS3. Although technical, this session will also be targeted at Designers, since… Read more…

Ralph Hauwert
Unity Technologies
Flash Now and in the Future
Learn how to get the most value out of Flash CS3 Professional. This session will cover features like integration and the new ActionScript 3.0 UI components. Richard will also look… Read more…

Richard Galvan
Dolby Laboratories
How to B.S. (Brain Storm) Better
This is a brief crash course in ideation. Learn how to tap and train your potential, capture and catalogue your ideas, and boost your creative brain power. Experience the 10… Read more…

Jason Theodor
Modulating A Lot
A behind the scenes peek into the imaginary world of Presstube & friends.
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James Paterson
Orchid is a simple yet powerful open source UI framework for building richly designed interactive applications using Flash CS3. It provides Flash developers with an easy solution for building powerful,… Read more…

Samuel Agesilas
Papervision3D From the Core – WORKSHOP
Note that this is a pre-event workshop day (Sunday, June 22), and therefore is only available to those who have ‘the works’ ticket, or the ‘pre-event workshop’ ticket.
In this… Read more…

Ralph Hauwert
Unity Technologies
Soaring on AIR: An introduction to AIR
In this session, Zach will discuss how to use Flex to build desktop applications that target the Adobe Integrated Runtime. Starting from a birds-eye view of the runtime, discussing features… Read more…
Zach Stepek
The Role of Motion Graphics in Design and Converging Media
As the lines between TV, film and web continue to blur, design and animation techniques are taking on new forms and capabilities. From an animator’s perspective, Sean Koriakin will talk… Read more…
Sean Koriakin