FITC Amsterdam 2014
Finest HTML5 Canvas and WebGL Workshop
Frank Reitberger and Sakri Rosenstrom have cherry picked the key programming techniques that have been essential to them during their combined 30 years of programming experience. In this workshop, they will share all the nifty tricks of how to animate, write effects, and master all the pitfalls of canvas without the need of using tons of js-libs.
Using WebGL and/or Shaders for the first time? No need to fear buffers, indeces or GPU driven content at all. Write your 1st shaders and use ´em right away whilst… Read more…
Modular Front-End Development with Sass & Compass Workshop
Discover the benefits of using Sass, a CSS pre-processor, along with Compass to help streamline front-end development, collaborate with other developers, and overall to help you enjoy writing CSS. The workshop will be divided up into 4 sections: basic, intermediate, advanced and tools of the trade and other fun tricks. Topics covered include:
Pre-processor basics & setup
Sass vs. SCSS syntax
Basic DRY concepts with variables, nesting
Functions and operations
Expanded DRY concepts with mixins, extend, and placeholders
Media queries… Read more…
Bermon Painter