FITC Amsterdam 2014

2014-02-24 00:00:00 2014-02-26 00:00:00 America/Toronto FITC Amsterdam 2014 Now in its 7th year, FITC Amsterdam 2014 is host to the latest and greatest in design, technology and cool shit from all around the globe. Amsterdam FITC Amsterdam

Apps for the Multi-Device World
We live in a multi-device world of phones, tablets, TVs, in-car navs, smart watches….And there is one thing all these devices have in common: HTML5. In this session Lee Boonstra,… Read more…
Inspire Web Dev
Lee Boonstra
Let’s Create Real-Time Graphics in Real-Time with UNO
Simo has spent the last year and a half playing with Outracks Technologies’ new programming language UNO, and before that he spent over a decade with Flash to code graphics.… Read more…
Creative Code
Simo Santavirta
5 Biggest Failures
Anton and Irene will candidly explain the 5 biggest failures and f*ck ups in their careers and evaluate why it went so horribly wrong.

An Influxis Voodoo… Read more…
Influxis Voodoo Lounge
A Journey
Join this young designer as he discusses his own work and journey, both the ups and downs. A young and ambitious artist, just trying to find his way in the industry… Read more…
Influxis Voodoo Lounge
Rik Oostenbroek
Adobe Apps for Web Designers in 2014
We all have our habits, our routines and our rituals to create. Web designers need to constantly adapt their creative process to embrace new web trends, such as Responsive Web… Read more…
Inspire Web Dev
Michaël Chaize
All Text Tricks in the Book, with JavaScript and Canvas
Sakri has put together a collection of what can be done with text on the HTML5 Canvas using JavaScript. Drawing from nearly 15 years of coding visual effects, the bag… Read more…
Web Dev
Sakri Rosenstrom
UNIT9 presents its journey to creating Artism, an independent interactive dance project in collaboration with London based dance company Exzeb. Read more…
Creative Code Web Dev
Away3D with Typescript and WebGL
As the native web standard WebGL matures, more people are looking to native web tools for creating accelerated 3D content in the browser. Away3D Typescript is a new library from… Read more…
Influxis Voodoo Lounge
Rob Bateman
Backyard Brains: Bringing the Body’s Electrical Signals Out of the Body
Have you ever wondered how the electrical impulses of neurons and muscles work? Backyard Brains can help you understand! They have invented simple, portable electronics and microscopes to allow anyone to… Read more…
Timothy Marzullo
Backyard Brains
Be a Snortvart
We are who we were as kids. I think it’s that simple. The key is being brave and listening to that inner kid that’s had all the answers all along.… Read more…
Sara Blake
Behind the Code
In this talk Gwen will take you through some of his latest creative coding experiments. He will take you behind the code of FWA Award winning Chrome Experiments like Code::Brush… Read more…
Web Dev
Gwen Vanhee
Little Miss Robot
Big Redesigns, Tough Clients and a Lot of Work!
Irene Pereyra, User Experience Director and Anton Repponen, Creative Director, will walk-through an in-depth ‘behind the scenes’ of the redesign of and challenges in other large redesigns in a chronological manner: from… Read more…
Business Inspire
Breaking the Frame
For the last few years, Neil has been using creative coding and electronics to bring digital creations into the physical world. This session looks at the creative process behind some… Read more…
Neil Mendoza
Neil Mendoza Studio
Closing the Circle: 8 Bit to 64 and Back
Curiosity is a gift… and a curse; it’s the tool that makes you break your toys in order to understand how they work (or at least used to). Ubi de… Read more…
Creative Code Inspire
Ubi de Feo
Come Take a Journey Through Time and Space
Come along and ride on a fantastic voyage with Munkowitz as he guides you through an hour of intense graphic stimulation. Together you will intimately unravel a design career treated… Read more…
Controlling Hardware with Your Browser
The web is maturing; we are no longer satisfied by pages that just load information on request. Cue WebSockets – a new protocol, supported by HTML5, allows us to create… Read more…
Creative Code Web Dev
Ralph Kok
Random Studio
Cross Media Storytelling
A peek into the birth, lifespan, conflict and death of storytelling through the technology and art spectrum. Read more…
Geoffrey Lillemon
W+K Amsterdam
CSS Pre-Processors: Sass, Less & Stylus
Sit in on an in-depth comparison of the top three CSS pre-processors: Stylus, Less & Sass. This session is subdivided into beginner, intermediate and advanced topics that build on top of… Read more…
Web Dev
Bermon Painter
Data Visualization and Game Design in WebGL and HTML5
In this session Michael Chang, veteran of Google Data Arts Team and lead developer at Puny Human, shares his development process for 100,000 Stars in WebGL, his experiences crossing paths… Read more…
Web Dev
Michael Chang
Developing Interactive 3D Experiences in HTML5
Modern web browsers are capable of producing some amazing audiovisual candy, through new capabilities like HTML5, fast JavaScript, WebGL and Web Audio API. In this session, Carlos talks in detail… Read more…
Web Dev
Carlos Ulloa
Do It with Everyone
This is an invitation to discover a mode of creative exploration where ownership, authorship and even personal identity start to collapse. What happens when your artwork is built on tools… Read more…
Kyle McDonald
Facilitating Business & Design Collaborations
As “Design Thinking” moves beyond buzzword and into practice, business people are looking to be part of the creative process. But in the traditional relationship, the only creativity the client… Read more…
Susan LK Gorbet
Gorbet Design, Inc
Fairy Tale Interaction
Storytelling is integral to the development of interactive technologies.  To this end, Eric Brockmeyer’s work has focused on the creation of new interactive sensors, haptic devices, and displays which parallel… Read more…
Eric Brockmeyer
Disney Research
Finding Dragons
Dragons have become a rare commodity these days.  Unlike in the early days where maps where mostly about drawing elaborate coastlines between large white spots and occasionally inviting eager explorers… Read more…
Mario Klingemann
Finest HTML5 Canvas and WebGL Workshop
Frank Reitberger and Sakri Rosenstrom have cherry picked the key programming techniques that have been essential to them during their combined 30 years of programming experience. In this workshop, they will share all the nifty… Read more…
Forms of Inquiry
It is surprising how an industry reliant on original ideas, innovation and authenticity often develops dynamics that work precisely against these qualities. In five years of FIELD’s adventurous practice, the… Read more…
From Plight to Delight
The lessons Richard learned over the years running the digital company Influxis, and why the best things come when you don’t give up. An Influxis Voodoo lounge presentation.
Only… Read more…
Influxis Voodoo Lounge
Richard Blakely
From the Physical to the Digital and Back Again
Through my own work and work done with others, there’s a constant theme of translation between the digital and physical worlds: how do things change when they’re being changed from… Read more…
Creative Code Inspire
Mike Pelletier
Random Studio
Let Gavin Strange bend your ear to excitedly persuade you to say ‘yes’ to everything, irrelevant of whether you have the skills or not –  he did and now has… Read more…
Gavin Strange
Aardman / Jamfactory
Graphics for the Masses
Graphics acceleration in virtually all devices today opens up an unprecedented playground (and market) for new ideas and concepts. This talk takes an in-depth look at what different platforms are… Read more…
Web Dev
Anders Lassen
Outracks Technologies
HelloRun: A Hypnotic 3D Runner Music Game
HelloRun is an HTML5 game created by HelloEnjoy designed to take advantage of the latest technologies in modern web browsers. Designed to be fast paced and unforgiving, it tests the… Read more…
Inspire Web Dev
Carlos Ulloa
HTML5… ehhrrr… JavaScript… a.k.a. the New Jack of All Trades Device?!
In this session, Frank – coming from the ‘ancient Flash scene’ – will talk about his recent HTML5 works and tasks nowadays: developing very complex but easily and natural navigable… Read more…
Web Dev
Frank Reitberger
In Conversation
Join GMUNK and special guests for an hour of unscripted, off-the-cuff conversation about design, creativity and inspiration. An Influxis Voodoo lounge presentation.
Only at FITC. Free drinks. 30 minute… Read more…
Influxis Voodoo Lounge
jQuery to JavaScript: Growing Beyond the DOM
Sooner or later, we all have, or will have to join a “completed” project only to find jQuery soup: functions within functions nested inside AJAX callbacks. It sucks. How did… Read more…
Influxis Voodoo Lounge
Rich Gilbank
Let ’em Explore
Interactive experiences that sustain user interest and imagination For the last couple of years, Stefan Wagner has been working in the field of interactive exhibits, including installations and software that… Read more…
Stefan Wagner
Liberating Web Apps From the Server
Servers have long provided a healthy and happy environment for web apps.  But times have changed, and as much as the server may like to, it can’t protect our web… Read more…
Web Dev
Alex Gyoshev
Make Something Ugly: An Experimental Creative Process
Some of the most successful and prolific designers are those who implement experimentation and exploration into their design process. It is these designers that end up innovating and making the most memorable… Read more…
Myron Campbell
Making it Planes and Simple
Actionscript frameworks like Away3D and Starling help us to take advantage of GPU acceleration with Stage3D. Have you always wanted to know more on how to combine those frameworks together? In… Read more…
Influxis Voodoo Lounge
Marlu Groen
Code d'Azur
Making Products Happen
Many creative people are inspired by the innovative tech vibe in Silicon Valley and New York. We all read the success stories of entrepreneurs that had to move to NY… Read more…
Business Inspire
Thomas Joos
Little Miss Robot
Meet MILL+
Mill+ is the Design and Content creation arm of The Mill. A collection of Designers, Art Directors, Animators and VFX artists who are defining new ways of working with clients.… Read more…
Carl Addy
Modular Front-End Development with Sass & Compass Workshop
Discover the benefits of using Sass, a CSS pre-processor, along with Compass to help streamline front-end development, collaborate with other developers, and overall to help you enjoy writing CSS. The… Read more…
Web Dev Workshop
Bermon Painter
New Forms
Kim Pimmel is a bit obsessed with cinematic storytelling through new forms of analog visual effects. Whether using familiar materials in novel ways, or thinking up new techniques entirely, he wants the… Read more…
Kim Pimmel
Node.js: The What, The How and The When
During this presentation Richard will provide an introduction to node.js: what it is and examples that display the power of this relatively new platform, especially with regard to high performance applications. Read more…
Web Dev
Richard Nieuwenhuis
Oh Sh*t! It’s Good In Government
Greg Hoyna Kozakiewicz, Head of Design and User Insight at the Scottish Government was a free-agent forever; he never thought he’d go Public Sector. But now that he has, he… Read more…
Greg Hoyna
Pencil Rebel
Printing Happiness: 3D Printing Toys
Fresh from designing, building & running the Kidsco #PrintHappiness 3D Toy Popup, Biffer invites you to join him in a technical tear-down of the entire project. This talk will cover… Read more…
Influxis Voodoo Lounge
James Rowley
Process, Poetics and Performance
How can established techniques in art making and composition find a new voice in the current cultural, technological and creative landscape? Sougwen Chung shares her approach and reflects on her… Read more…
Sougwen Chung
Recent Advertising Work
Daito will explain the process, from planning to implementation, while introducing the technical background and trends from some of his work from 2013. Read more…
Daito Manabe
The Art of FITC Amsterdam
Join Sara Blake of ZSO, creator of the FITC Amsterdam creative and Jason White of Leviathan, creator of the FITC title sequence, for conversation and insight into the creative process behind… Read more…
Influxis Voodoo Lounge
The Business Case for Open Source Hardware
Manufacturing and selling hardware is a proven business practice but proprietary is the default setting. However, there are distinct advantages to open sourcing hardware destined for sale and distribution. This… Read more…
Christopher Clark
The Challenge of Interactive Furniture
What if responsive experience design and contemporary furniture got together to create something magical?  Beyond mere functionality, subtle and satisfying interactive behaviour is beginning to make its way into our… Read more…
Matt Gorbet
Gorbet Design, Inc.
The Digital Publishing Opportunity for Creative Agencies
When creatives hear “digital publishing”, they think “press & magazines”. Indeed, all major magazines are using digital publishing technologies to distribute their magazines on tablet devices. Today, creative agencies use… Read more…
Michaël Chaize
The Future of Experiential Media and Projection Mapping
Leviathan Executive Creative Director, Jason White, reveals his studio’s unique formula for creating new transformative visual experiences and explores the challenges that inevitably arise during the creative and production processes,… Read more…
Jason White
The Other Singularity: Design for the Next Pattern of Computing
After 30-some-odd years, the smartphone has become the peak operating efficiency of the personal pattern of computing, but in many ways, falls short.  Yet that tiny little device offers us… Read more…
Jared Ficklin
The Robot Soul
Robots have been capturing people’s imaginations for more than 100 years. Yet Robots show their affinity to people almost solely in films. In real life they are built by military… Read more…
Influxis Voodoo Lounge
Jan De Coster
Slightly Overdone
The Science Fiction Master Story Arc
How it is that a couple of well placed movies could change the history of film and create a new view on art that saves both Hollywood and the collective… Read more…
Influxis Voodoo Lounge
Jared Ficklin
The Seven Years Post-Mortem
How do you develop a game with no cash, no skills and no connections? Seven years of the best and worst moments will be compressed into this 30 minute post-mortem.… Read more…
Influxis Voodoo Lounge
Michael Chang
The Sum Is Greater Than The Parts
Different tools bring in different capabilities and workflows; when you combine them you can get to an extra gear and build great things easier and faster. The journey that starts… Read more…
Web Dev
Mihai Corlan
Visualising Music with Real-Time Graphics and the Making of the APEXvj
We are fascinated by the beauty of a view and become enchanted by music. These two art forms tune our brains differently but with equal impressiveness. Listening to moving music causes… Read more…
Creative Code
Simo Santavirta
We’re Talented: We Need to Help #teachtheweb
Many of us in the tech industry work on holidays. We don’t do it for our careers or jobs or bosses, we do it for our families: we clear caches, reinstall… Read more…
Business Inspire
Laura Hilliger
Mozilla Foundation
You, Me and My Computer
Can we use technology to help us be more human? To smile more, to touch and to listen to each other? What if a computer could understand and make decisions… Read more…
Lauren McCarthy