2D Framework for Molehill
What's so fancy about 3D anyway? Bucking the trend to take Flash to another dimension, Ely Greenfield has created the M2D framework to leverage Molehill's GPU acceleration for 2D graphics. Tom Krcha has a good overview of M2D while Mark Knol has a quick getting started post with M2D and Flash Develop. If you'd rather head right to the source code you'll find it here: https://github.com/egreenfield/M2D
Flash at FITC Amsterdam
The Flash Platform team has posted a bunch of videos and interviews they did while at FITC Amsterdam.
jQuery App for Playbook using WebWorks SDK
Ryan Stewart has a great starter on building Playbook applications with jQuery Mobile using Blackberry's WebWorks SDK.
activeTuts+ goes Unity
With Molehill on the horizon and news that Unity would support output to the Flash platform and AS3 as a scripting language many of you are probably thinking what I have been - where do I get started with Unity! activeTuts+ has posted their first Unity tutorial to help out.