FITC poster by Joshua Davis
Artist Joshua Davis is a FITC veteran who has presented at seven of the eight FITC conferences. I first saw him present in FITC 2006 where he explained who he was and the type of randomized art he creates using Adobe Flash and Illustrator. Today Josh skipped the back story and instead simply shared the evolution of some of his projects with us.
Joshua embraces chaos in both his art and presentation style. We were treated to a whimsical Star Wars interlude in the middle of his presentation between bezier curve interactive art pieces. It was utterly random, silly and awesome. Davis advocates technology as a valueable tool for artists, claiming that computers can now achieve what the human hand cannot -- at least not easily. Flash technology has enabled Mr. Davis to do what he calls "rapid prototyping" of his sketches. Something that may have taken months with pencil and paper 20 years ago, now takes days.
If you're interesting in seeing some of Joshua's installation and print art, there's an exhibition this evening at the Function 13 Gallery here in Toronto. I encourage you to go. See you there! And coming soon -- an iPhone app by Joshua called reflect. Watch for it in the iPhone app store.