The following message is brought to you by guest blogger, Jason White:

Hey there retro gamers, check the back of your closets and bring your cartridges to FITC Screens because this year we have a treat for you - the unveiling of Rock's #RetroRoom. A rec room where you can get your fix of Atari 2600, ColecoVision and Nintendo Entertainment System.

Hot on the heels of his last year's presentation "From Newton to Now!", our main man Rock Jethwa has re-created your parent's basement with Rock's #RetroRoom. Between FITC Screens sessions you can take a load off on our retro couch and play one of three vintage consoles.

Feel free to dust off those old cartridges and peripheral (yes, you can bring your own cartridges), and join this "do over" of that 80's gamer vibe. Here's what we got:

  • Atari 2600: Pac-Man, Space Invaders
  • ColecoVision: Donkey Kong, Mr. Do
  • NES: Super Mario Bros. 3, Mike Tyson's Punch Out, Kung Fu

FITC Screens Museum

As a bonus, make sure you check out the FITC Screens Museum as part of Rock's #RetroRoom. We'll have our vintage museum displays of the:

  • Motorola Brick, the first cell phone (remember the X-Files)
  • World's smallest camera from 1998 (you'll be surprised who made it)
  • Evolution of Android from 1981

Keep gaming......