FITC Wearables

2014-11-13 00:00:00 2014-11-14 00:00:00 America/Toronto FITC Wearables FITC presents a full-day event dedicated to Wearables! No longer is technology just sitting on our desks or in our hands. With the eruption of wearables, we are now seeing our bodies adorned with this advancing technology. And we are only on the cusp of… Toronto FITC Toronto



Back in the 1970s, Steve Mann envisioned clothing, eyeglasses, and the like, as building blocks in an architecture of one. This building designed and built for a single occupant, with quantimetric self-sensing of a body, gave rise to a quantified self. Based on this premise, he hypothesized that if we equip people with architectural features that buildings have, such as a surveillance system of the environment around them, we will arrive at logical counterparts: security (Latin for care-free) becomes suicurity (self care) and surveillance (French for watching over / oversight) becomes sousveillance (undersight).

In this talk, Steve Mann will present some of the latest work in quantimetric self-sensing, health and fitness through integral kinematics, MindMesh and the latest in gesture-based wearable computing work that grew from his “sixth sense” system published in IEEE Computer in 1997. Rather than wearing a blindfold that puts a rift between you and the real world, you’ll experience the Sensularity – the Sensory Singularity is near.