Web Unleashed 2013

2013-11-07 00:00:00 2013-11-09 00:00:00 America/Toronto Web Unleashed 2013 FITC is back in New England for Web Unleashed 2013 with a ton of learning and collaborating opportunities over a two-day period: day one features a wide range of conference sessions focusing on front-end development and day two takes a deep dive into specific topics with… Waltham, MA FITC Waltham, MA


Native mobile development can be painful! So unless you are a masochist, there is a better way to develop mobile applications. This entire presentation will be dedicated to building a pain-free application using AngularJS and the awesome new features of PhoneGap 3.0. In less than an hour? Yep! Is it going to hurt? Nope!