Simo is a craftsman of the digital era; his passion for real-time graphics, graphics design and user experience has lasted for over 15 years. This journey in the digital medium dropped him from school, but has taken him from graphics to layouts, onto mobile, a couple blocks left to browser, and 500 meters straight back to front-end programming. From there he took two steps to games, art projects, digital marketing and back again…
Simo, from Helsinki, Finland, is a demoscene hobbyist and open-source contributor and is always creating something (like his one-man award-stealing operation, the music visualiser APEXvj.) In the summer of 2012 he went freelance, set-up a company called Odd Circle and focused entirely on the stuff he finds dearest: real-time graphics.
This indie Creative Coder is one of those who has always bent the limits of what can be done with Flash, and has now moved to a new technology called UNO&Realtime Studio from Outracks Technologies. He was the first developer who had the chance to explore this new toy and has used it on a daily basis ever since for various clients and to create his own experimental projects.