Spotlight: JAMstack

2020-03-20 00:00:00 2020-03-21 00:00:00 America/Toronto Spotlight: JAMstack Spotlight JAMstack will go ahead as planned on March 20 . Our thoughts on Coronavirus (COVID-19). Join us for this full day of JAMstack presentations from Netlify, GatsbyJS, Dev6, Agility CMS, and others. “The JAMstack is not about specific technologies. It’s a new way of… Toronto FITC EST Toronto



Gatsby combines the speed and security of static websites with the power and flexibility of React applications. Learn when and how to use Gatsby’s SSR APIs to alter the contents of your static HTML pages at build time.


Teach attendees how and when they should leverage Gatsby’s SSR APIs when building applications

Target Audience

Developers interested in creating more complex applications with Gatsby or writing their own Gatsby plugins

Assumed Audience Knowledge

Working knowledge of JS & React, some familiarity with Gatsby

Five Things Audience Members Will Learn

  1. How Gatsby renders static files
  2. The purpose of each of Gatsby’s server-side rendering APIs
  3. What Gatsby themes are and how to get started building them
  4. How to maximize performance when incorporating external scripts
  5. Tips for verifying the accessibility of your Gatsby application