Spotlight Front-End

2014-11-29 00:00:00 2014-11-30 00:00:00 America/Toronto Spotlight Front-End   7 of our top speakers. All new presentations After the recent success of Web Unleashed 2014, we invited back some of the most popular and highly rated speakers to present at this special Spotlight event. Each of our speakers will be presenting BRAND NEW PRESENTATIONS… Toronto FITC Toronto



Testing front-end code isn’t something that everyone does, but why? Testing shouldn’t be something that is done after the project is complete. It shouldn’t be an afterthought, it should be something that is practiced inline with the development process.

Jump right into testing front-end code the right way from start to finish. We will explore some super useful tricks and tips and examine how exactly we can improve the quality of our code and our skills as web developers by properly testing our front-end code. Learn how to create robust tests using Jasmine, refactor our code, use mocking + stubbing and then explore other methods of testing our application as a whole. Become professional software testers and transcend our abilities as web developers.


To teach programmers and web developers how to test their software out the right way and maintain that process throughout the life-cycle of your application.

Target Audience

Somewhat experienced web developers

Assumed Audience Knowledge

Basic knowledge of JavaScript / HTML / CSS


Five things audience members will learn

  1. How to test every level of front-end code imaginable
  2. Unit and Integration Testing
  3. How to properly refactor your code
  4. How to maintain software for longer
  5. Advanced JS tricks