In this hyper-connected digital era where everyone is constantly connected to everything, it is easy to feel as though life is being lived in the shadow of technology. But what happens when technology is fused with art to create new experiences, disrupted perceptions, and new interactions? How can we as artists add to the human experience by harnessing technology for uses outside of its intended purposes? What do we learn from these new experiences?
As new media artists, Luftwerk creates immersive art installations using light, color and sculpture to augment experiences of space and site. We view our studio as a laboratory, and our practice as a platform for research. Specifically working within new media, we seek how we can interface between the digital and real worlds and how we can utilize seemingly disparate technologies to create and augment new experiences. Join us for a discussion on how we research and develop projects using technology as a tool to create altered states of seeing the world.
How we as artists and makers use technology to create playful, public experiences.
Target Audience
Curious and Open Minds
Five things Audience members will learn:
- How to shape immersive experiences
- How to create a participatory environment
- How to transform temporal interventions into lasting memory
- Bridging the analog with the digital world
- Learning not to take technology too seriously