FITC Edmonton 2009

2009-10-17 00:00:00 2009-10-19 00:00:00 America/Toronto FITC Edmonton 2009 For its first time, FITC heads to Edmonton. Don’t miss out on… 2 full days and nights of Design & Technology presentations 1 full day of optional workshops 10 presentations in total Presentations in Creative, Technical, and Business areas, focusing on cutting edge trends and… Edmonton FITC Edmonton



A series of short, fascinating talks by home grown gurus in the interactive industry. Learn about what people are working on right here in Edmonton.

Reinventing TV
Flash rules video on the web. Video players are a dime a dozen. Why would anyone hire me to make another one? Two words: third-party integration. Advertising and monetization has made this space infinitely more interesting and complicated. My presentation demonstrates how is building the future of TV.
with Randy Troppmann

Moving to Web 2.0 in the Real World
Victor will demonstrate how companies are embracing new technologies across Web, Desktop and Mobile to breath new life into both new and long running product lines, in an effort to not only increase sales, but also to hold to their existing customer base.
with Victor Rubba

Building Something Great in 48 Hours.
Erik will talk about lessons learned from creating complete video games in a weekend. Topics include the community of indie game developers that do this sort of thing, tools and tricks for actually completing a project in a weekend, and some rules of thumb for super rapid actionscript development.
with Erik Johnson

Building a Flash Front-End to WordPress that Makes Sense
Recently we were tasked with building a Flash-based blog for wedding photography superstars Dave & Quin Cheung.  After the initial discussion as to whether Flash was a suitable delivery platform, we tackled the project with gusto and came up with a solution that makes sense for the client.  We also learned a few things along the way that can be applied to any Flash project.  Phil will share the top 5 things to consider when building a Flash-based blog, as well as the limitations involved with such an endeavor.
with Phil Chung