FITC Toronto 2012

2012-04-23 00:00:00 2012-04-26 00:00:00 America/Toronto FITC Toronto 2012 The game has changed and FITC is on it! Featuring over 70 renowned digital creators from around the globe, FITC Toronto 2012 attendees will be privy to the knowledge of the best and brightest in the digital space. Toronto FITC Toronto



This session is for attendees who have a good understanding of CSS, but who want to gain additional troubleshooting skills. In this session, we’ll cover some advanced CSS investigative and problem-solving techniques, including tiny tidbits to lay the foundation for clean, informative markup; ways of dealing definitively with IE6/7, proactive coding practices for the “other” browsers’ bugs, new alternatives to using floats for layout, and creating and using the more esoteric css2 selectors and newer css3 selectors for true style targeting power.