FITC Toronto 2012

2012-04-23 00:00:00 2012-04-26 00:00:00 America/Toronto FITC Toronto 2012 The game has changed and FITC is on it! Featuring over 70 renowned digital creators from around the globe, FITC Toronto 2012 attendees will be privy to the knowledge of the best and brightest in the digital space. Toronto FITC Toronto



Voice input to mobile devices is all the rage lately with the advent of iOS’s Siri and Google’s Voice Actions. What if you could take that voice command to action flow into your home?

In this presentation, Matt Fisher, Senior Developer at Jam3 will introduce “Ellie”, a recent personal project which uses a customized voice recognition system to provide assisting capabilities for the home. Ellie can take in spoken English commands, perform tasks and calculations, and respond via synthesized speech. What makes Ellie different from other voice command systems is that Ellie listens for input 24/7, this allows her to be a hands free way to easily get tasks done around the home. Ellie is based on 100% open source technology and will be released open source upon completion.