If you know a bit about programming, today’s technological offerings bring forth a world of possibility. We’re drenched in a myriad of languages, platforms, and tools – many of which can be used to accomplish the same goals. Combine these resources with the culture of open source and the findability afforded by search engines, and you’re in a position to create anything your mind can conceive.
In this presentation, Mike Creighton will walk through a practical example of bringing a simple idea to life via an ongoing project called “Flow”. This project aims to capture motion data associated with traditional art-making (i.e. drawing, painting, etc.) and produce derivative digital works of art using this captured data.
Mike will demonstrate how one can use and re-imagine a number of open source projects and libraries to achieve these goals – projects like Johnny Chung Lee’s Interactive Wiimote Whiteboard, NUI Group’s Community Core Vision, EllisLab’s CodeIgniter framework, Apache Friends’ XAMPP distribution, Processing, openFrameworks, Cinder, and even the Adobe Flex SDK. Moreover, he’ll talk about techniques for getting these seemingly disparate technologies communicating with one another using OSC, TCP, and XML.
This presentation is all about standing on the shoulders of giants, using what you already know, and remembering that anything is possible.
After the presentation, everyone will be able to download all the code that makes up the project from beginning to end – giving you yet another stepping stone to help propel your own ideas.