FITC Winnipeg 2007

2007-11-17 00:00:00 2007-11-18 00:00:00 America/Toronto FITC Winnipeg 2007 1 full day and night of Design & Technology Two tracks of presentations Presentations in Creative, Technical, and Business areas, focusing on cutting edge trends and developments within the New Media Industry Renowned design and technology presenters from around the globe FITC evening mixer event Winnipeg FITC Winnipeg



In the hyper-retentive agency world, the org chart reigns supreme as arbiter of designations. You are a designer; you are a developer; you are a project manager, and so it goes. But just how accurate are these designations? Do they perhaps refer too rigidly to a person’s skill set, to the detriment of his/her core creative faculties? And just what is the client missing out on as a result? What is your agency missing out on?

Join Critical Mass as they explain how a collaborative approach to developing strategic solutions has helped them knock down traditional agency walls while delivering complex, imaginative and successful solutions. Bear witness to the power of making ideas the domain of not one “superstar”, but of every team member through real examples drawn directly from the company’s experience. Discover how simple acts of collaboration can organically shift and strengthen solutions, completely altering and evolving relationships, processes and results.

Who this presentation is for:

This talk will be for anyone with experience working in the team or agency environment or anyone who wants a chance to peer into this world.

What Attendees Will Walk Away With:

We hope people will walk away with a sense of perspective analysis. 1. What is your role in the interactive space? 2. What do you bring to the table? Mostly, we hope our audience will take away a sense of the potential – not only of the collaborative approach to problem solving but also of the interactive and online space as a whole.