Spotlight AI

2024-03-21 00:00:00 2024-03-22 00:00:00 America/Toronto Spotlight AI Join us for a full day of sessions on AI for the digital creative industry. Online FITC ET Online



In this talk, Evan will share how BUCK, a global design and animation company, is gearing up to embrace an AI-dominated creative landscape. With their clients investing heavily in AI, the challenge they face is not just technological, but deeply human. BUCK’s team of approximately 500 artists, skilled and dedicated to their craft, now face a future where AI’s capabilities might seem daunting. BUCK’s focus is on guiding these artists through the paradigm shift, ensuring that their unique skills and creativity are not just preserved but enhanced with AI.

This talk will explore BUCK’s strategies for human adaptation at an industrial scale, focusing on the preservation of craft, and ensuring BUCK nurtures the core of what makes their work human.


To share strategies for creative adaptation and lift artists up.

Things Audience Members Will Learn

  • How BUCK is preserving their culture of craft
  • How they are adapting their pipelines
  • Strategies for new tool adaption
  • Speculations on how design will change over the next 2-3 years

Target Audience

Those figuring out out to bring AI into their creative processes and set up their teams for success