The Gaia Framework for Adobe Flash is one of the most popular frameworks in the industry. It dramatically reduces development time and costs, and provides solutions to the most common challenges and tasks in front-end Flash development. While on the surface, Gaia is easy to learn and use for developers of all skill levels, underneath the hood is a powerful engine that enables skilled developers to pull off challenging development tasks with ease.
In this presentation, the author of Gaia digs in and demonstrates how to leverage some of its more advanced features, such as Event Hijacking, Sound Groups and Custom Assets. You’ll learn how Gaia makes it easy to develop specialized transition control, mp3 players, render strict XHTML in Flash using Gaia’s runtime font loading, SEO and StyleSheet assets, as well as how to create your own custom assets using Gaia’s extensible architecture.
This presentation is for Flash developers that are already familiar with Gaia, as well as Flash developers who want to see how using Gaia can make challenging tasks easier.
The ideas and techniques in this presentation will give you a platform to take your development to the next level. You will also gain a deeper understanding of how to use some of Gaia’s more nuanced features.