FITC Seoul 2008
Beyond the Knowledge: The Art of Playing • 지식을 넘어서: 놀이의 예술성
Sometimes the most effective way to captivate an audience is through delivering an experience that defies the convention. Pioneering the bleeding edges of technologies is not unlike spending countless hours… Read more…

Erik Natzke
Digital Storytelling 디지털 스토리텔링
Storytelling has long been the ideal way for people to deliver their messages. However, storytelling is evolving in a new way in the 21st century as it encounters the digital… Read more…
Euna Seol
Flash 2D & 3D Effects 플래시 2D 와 3D 효과
In this session we’ll look at how to create stunning visual effects using the Flash API and AS3. Although technical, this session will also be targeted at Designers, since they’ll… Read more…

Ralph Hauwert
Unity Technologies
New Works 새로운 작품
This presentation will showcase the latest work of Joshua Davis studios.
이 강연은 죠슈아 데이비스 스튜디오에서 새로운 작품으로 발표할 것이다. Read more…

Joshua Davis
Joshua Davis Studios
Taking Flash Outside of the Screen 플래시를 스크린 밖으로
마코스와 존 로렌즈가 환경 입력에 반응하는 장치를 창조하는 과정을 보여 주며, 스케치 부터 센서 사용까지, 움직이는 조각품을 만드는데 필요한 환경 입력 방법을 소개한다.
Join Marcos in the experience and process… Read more…
Marcos Weskamp
The Education of a Creative Person, Transforming or Conforming 창의적인 사람의 공부방법: 변신 OR 수용
Kyle Cooper has directed and produced more than 150 film title sequences, Details magazine credited him with almost single-handedly revitalizing the main title sequence as an art form. He is… Read more…

Kyle Cooper
The Future of the world of Flash 미래의 플래시 세계
Come and see sneak peaks of unreleased new technologies currently under development including future features of the Flash Authoring Tool and Thermo. Take a look at Adobe’s innovating new and… Read more…
Paul Burnett