This ONLINE workshop will run from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET. on Thursday October 24.


This three-hour workshop, led by seasoned entrepreneur Caleb Kingston, is designed to immerse participants in the world of Figma, exploring its powerful features and capabilities for digital design. Attendees will learn how to effectively use Figma for creating dynamic UI/UX designs, from basic navigation through advanced functionalities. The workshop will combine hands-on activities with insightful demonstrations, ensuring a thorough understanding of how to leverage Figma in real-world projects.


Equip attendees with foundational skills to start using Figma confidently.

Target Audience

Aspiring designers and marketers interested in UI/UX design.

Assumed Audience Knowledge

Basic understanding of design principles and digital tools.

Five Things Audience Members Will Learn

  • Navigating the Figma interface and understanding its key features.
  • Setting up projects and organizing files effectively.
  • Creating and manipulating design elements within Figma.
  • Building interactive prototypes directly within the tool.
  • Collaborating in real-time and sharing projects with stakeholders.

Required software

Laptop with Figma installed (free version acceptable)