Spotlight: Android
10 Tech Tips for the Android Developer
Every platform has it’s benefits and drawbacks. Learn 10 things about developing for Android phones that make this developer happy about the SDK. These could be items that make the… Read more…

James Eberhardt
Canadian Digital Service
Better with Friends: Android+Arduino+NFC
Thinking beyond multi-touch gestures, Android’s got a few tricks up its sleeve to take user interactions beyond the screen and into the physical world.
With the Android Open Accessory or… Read more…

Pearl Chen
Make This Studio
Building great apps in the fragmented Android world
Google has refocused their efforts on creating a unique and unified experience on Android as part of the Ice Cream Sandwich release. This talk will go over how to put… Read more…
Boris Chan
Everyday Eclipse for Android Developers
Many first-time Eclipse users are put off by its high learning curve or active users don’t exploit many of its accelerated software development features. Whether you are just starting out… Read more…

Mark Lapasa
Ice Cream and Jellybeans: The Future of Android Development
Ice cream sandwich is Googles most ambitious version of Android to date and the reviews have been positive. Get an in-depth ride through Ice cream sandwich, what it has to… Read more…

Faisal Abid
Moving apps to Android from iOS
In today’s mobile market, Apple is arguably the app king. Companies are frequently building their apps for iProducts first and everything else second. However, Google’s Android has now surpassed Apple… Read more…
James Halpern
Running Android Apps on BlackBerry® PlayBook and BB 10
Join James, an application development consultant from Research In Motion, who will talk about the BlackBerry Runtime for Android apps, and how to repackage existing Android apps for submission to… Read more…
James Dreher