Local Toronto developer Joseph Balderson recently saw the release of a project he's been heading up for some time, the ultimate book on Flex, Professional Adobe Flex 3. This massive tome is composed of 75 chapters and over 1300 pages, written by eight authors and covers pretty much anything you could want to know about Flex 3. The table of contents alone is 31 pages.

I set out to try and go through as much of this book as possible before writing the review. But it's just too big! Now that I've waited so long I wanted to at least put the word out that if you are doing Flex 3 work it's probably worth adding this to your collection. It's a fantastic resource full of advanced information written by some of the best developers in the community. And at a price of $38 CDN on Amazon it's also a total steal.

You're probably wondering why bother spending money on a Flex 3 resource when Flex 4 is so near. Well based on what I've looked at in this book a large portion is based on higher level concepts than just mxml basics and components. You'll definitely still be able to refer to this book to improve your Flex 4 work as well.

This is easily the best book on Flex 3 I've seen.