Hashgeist is an interactive web app that encourages FITC Amsterdam attendees to join a conversation about the conference topics, share their insights on the talks, and answer questions posed by the app, shown on a large screen. The app will be a visual portrait that highlights the zeitgeist at the conference while showing gifs that reflect the contents from the tweets. Engagement with the app will be triggered by attendees tweeting to the #Hashgeist and #FITCAmsterdam hashtags.
There is great potential for the installation to become a focal point for FITC attendees when they view the live wall in the exhibitor area, and we hope that people who can’t attend the conference will have fun viewing the web app. The installation will be a random conversation with a beautiful and interesting visual element in the form of often-times cliche gifs that all internet fans can laugh at!
Here is a sample of the questions that will be seen on the web app... read more.