FITC Toronto 2014
Modular Front-End Development with Sass & Compass Workshop
Note: This all day workshop will run from 10-5pm on Sat April 26th, and is available to WORKS and WORKSHOP ticket holders.
Discover the benefits of using Sass, a CSS pre-processor, along with Compass to help streamline front-end development, collaborate with other developers, and overall to help you enjoy writing CSS. The workshop will be divided up into 4 sections: basic, intermediate, advanced and tools of the trade and other fun tricks. Topics covered include:
Pre-processor basics & setup
Sass… Read more…

Bermon Painter
Rock Star Results Using Creative Cloud Workshop
Note: This all day workshop will run from 10am-5pm on Sat April 26th, and is available to WORKS and WORKSHOP ticket holders.
Let’s face it: we all want to be rock stars. Whether that means being an expert in the industry, producing award-winning projects, posting amazing work to make your friends jealous, or just getting things done faster so you can go do other things. Well, consider this workshop your rock star boot camp. It will cover all the cutting… Read more…

Paul Trani