FITC Amsterdam 2011

2011-03-08 00:00:00 2011-03-10 00:00:00 America/Toronto FITC Amsterdam 2011 With some of the most interesting and engaging presenters from around the globe, FITC Amsterdam 2011 will be 2 days and 2 nights that will leave you inspired, energized and awed. Amsterdam FITC Amsterdam



With FDT 4, Powerflasher released the best version of their home-made IDE yet. In this session, Meinhard Gredig (core developer of FDT) will present the advantages of this professional IDE and its comfortable and time-saving features. After a brief review of the pre-existing features, he will then demonstrate the hot novelties of FDT 4. Finally, Meinhard will discuss the roadmap to give you the chance to engage in the future of FDT.