FITC Toronto 2020

2020-04-19 00:00:00 2020-04-22 00:00:00 America/Toronto FITC Toronto 2020 FITC Toronto is a three-day professional celebration of the best the world has to offer in design, web development, media and innovation in creative technologies. Toronto FITC EST Toronto


Hoss will provide an expose of physical computing XM projects for Honda, Nike, Real Madrid, and art installations for Hyperborea, Ontario’s regional Burning Man event. Plus behind the scenes drama in the design and creation of Toronto’s first large scale eSports event, taking place the day before this talk.

All of this while answering the following critical questions: Does your shit smell? How will you find your shoes when you’re high? How can you stop raccoons from eating the vegetables in your garden? What should you do to get the world’s top 100 company’s C suite to watch your video? How do you edit a video in the middle of an auto show without a computer? What should you do when your client won’t give you content? Should you be making interactive installations for museums or for trade shows? What’s a productive way to deal with bullshitters?


Satisfy your inquisitive nature, and learn the findings encountered by someone that spends as much time as a maker as a CTO.

Target Audience

Creative technologists with a passion for physical computing, and a waning tolerance for ridiculous clients — and business owners wondering why they keep losing money on their projects.

Assumed Audience Knowledge

You don’t need any prior knowledge to enjoy this presentation, but if you know your way around an Arduino, you’ll get more out of the technical portions.

Five Things Audience Members Will Learn

  1. How to accurately measure your poop’s pungency
  2. How to protect your garden vegetables from wildlife
  3. What your CTO really thinks of you
  4. The best way to get client feedback on their new website
  5. The difference between creating interactive installations for museums and for trade shows