Web Unleashed 2016

2016-10-03 00:00:00 2016-10-05 00:00:00 America/Toronto Web Unleashed 2016 If you're a front-end developer, or aspire to be one, then you know how quickly the space changes. By attending Web Unleashed, you will get up-to-date on the skills to push you ahead in your career. Toronto FITC Toronto


Today it feels like Javascript tools and libraries are popping like up mushrooms. And just like fungi, if you pick the wrong one, it could lead to some real suffering. From Angular to Zepto, this talk will help you map out the ecosystem and find the good stuff so you can avoid having a bad trip.


The audience will learn how to map out and evaluate tools and libraries in the JS ecosystem

Target Audience

The target audience is JS developers who want to feel a little more sane

Assumed Audience Knowledge

A working understanding Javascript

Five Things Audience Members Will Learn

  1. A mental map of the current state of JS development
  2. How to evaluate JS tools & libraries
  3. Alternatives to the big libraries (jQuery, Angular, React, etc)
  4. Awesome lesser known JS tools & libraries
  5. Avoiding JS entirely through alternate languages (TypeScript, ClojureScript, Elm, etc)