Spotlight: Vue.js

2018-03-03 00:00:00 2018-03-04 00:00:00 America/Toronto Spotlight: Vue.js Join us for a full day on the popular open-source progressive framework Vue.js.  Designed to be incrementally adoptable, Vue.js is easily implementable into other projects, can be embedded into existing pages, and can also function as a web application framework. Get up to speed in only… Toronto FITC Toronto



You have a beautiful web site built with Vue? Great! Now you need a mobile app to engage your users even further. Or, better yet, you need to offer different, yet complimentary functionality, while retaining shared code between your web site and mobile app. Welcome to the beautiful world of Vue and NativeScript, which, paired together on the web and on mobile, make for a great user experience.

In this talk, you’ll learn about Jen’s experience building Elocute, a web app for language teachers with a paired mobile app that students use to perfect their spoken language skills. You’ll discover how to build for the web and mobile platforms using NativeScript and Vue, making the most of the best of both platforms – data entry on the web, and speech-to-text on mobile. Let’s learn about how Vue can be used to build for the web and for mobile apps, sharing the love.


Learn how to build a mobile app with Vue, and share the code between web and mobile.