FITC Toronto 2012

2012-04-23 00:00:00 2012-04-26 00:00:00 America/Toronto FITC Toronto 2012 The game has changed and FITC is on it! Featuring over 70 renowned digital creators from around the globe, FITC Toronto 2012 attendees will be privy to the knowledge of the best and brightest in the digital space. Toronto FITC Toronto



Flash has always been the dominant game platform for the web. With Stage3D and a host of other new gaming-related features, Flash is poised to once again push the boundaries of what is possible in the browser. Starling is an open-source, 2D framework that is funded by Adobe, which lets you easily leverage the GPU for your games. This is the same framework that Rovio used to build their official version of Angry Birds on Facebook.

In this workshop you learn the ins and outs of using Starling to create a complete, working game. Topics will include:

  • Overview of the entire Starling API
  • Generating and incorporating sprite sheets
  • Assets management
  • Incorporating physics using Nape
  • Building levels using Flash Professional
  • Optimizing your game for mobile devices
  • Exporting and loading games onto iOS and Android

There will also be some sneaks of other new gaming features that are being cooked up at Adobe. Iā€™m convinced that you will walk away from this session feeling much better about the future of Flash.