CAMP Festival 2015
Crowdfunding: A Digital Revolution for Entrepreneurs
Crowdfunding is taking the world by storm; this panel is centered on how crowdfunding is a major digital
innovation that’s disrupted the world for creatives, makers and innovators from across all… Read more…
innovation that’s disrupted the world for creatives, makers and innovators from across all… Read more…
Don’t Be an Asshole & Other Things I’ve Learned
Doing good work without losing your soul is hard: it’s a lot about process, a lot about making hard decisions and
a lot about failing often and not doing those… Read more…
a lot about failing often and not doing those… Read more…

Jay Grandin
Giant Ant
From Agency Drones to Design Studio Powerhouse
Nearly every designer after a few years of working for an agency, begins to think about starting his or her own
studio. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a fancy… Read more…
studio. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a fancy… Read more…
Going Digital: Bridging the Gap
This panel discussion with Edward Keeble, David Nagy, and Marc Binkley will lay the groundwork to get account people and clients on the same page when it comes to digital campaigns. We’ll cover… Read more…
Grant Skinner Unplugged
Grant is CEO of three companies. He’s built gskinner from a wildly unsuccessful solo venture into a 20 person
team, building interactive experiences for A-list clients. His tiny game shop, TreeFortress,… Read more…
team, building interactive experiences for A-list clients. His tiny game shop, TreeFortress,… Read more…

Grant Skinner
Hardware for the Soft World
Leverage your JavaScript skills to explore the land of hardware and get your feet wet in Internet of Things (IoT). A survey of libraries or frameworks such as Spacebrew, johnny-five, Cylon.js and Nitrogen.js… Read more…

Stacey Mulcahy
Microsoft Garage
Into the Wilderness
Making stops at scenic lookouts and points of interest along the way from her start as a scientific researcher in Calgary to digital strategy and design consultant in New York, Meaghan invites you… Read more…

Meaghan Nishiyama
Love Your Work, Work Your Love
Drawing on the ups and downs of his career – from being on tour with bands to running his own business
to designing experiences for big brands – this talk… Read more…
to designing experiences for big brands – this talk… Read more…

Dave Brown
Miles Davis Taught Me to Draw
What would two painters improvising look like? Improv Canvas is a real-time collaborative drawing tool that
preserves the personal pen or brush stroke for a visual conversation. The project transforms a… Read more…
preserves the personal pen or brush stroke for a visual conversation. The project transforms a… Read more…

Alon Chitayat
New Rules to Decoding the People Who Give You Money
Steve looks at how brands can change the way they understand their customers through lessons learned from crowdfunding campaigns. In a time of ‘lean’ and ‘rapid’ everything – how can we apply these… Read more…

Steve Tam
Progress Before Perfection
The struggle is real – there are endless reasons why creatives get stuck. It’s human nature but especially for
creatives, it can be paralyzing. This talk reveals the stories we tell… Read more…
creatives, it can be paralyzing. This talk reveals the stories we tell… Read more…

Joey Camacho
Raw & Rendered
Roads? Where We’re Going, We Don’t Need Roads
We can’t predict the future – will there be flying cars? Hoverboards? Self-drying jackets? Can movies help us
understand what the future is going to be like? If so… Read more…
understand what the future is going to be like? If so… Read more…

Claudio Guglieri
Creatives, artists, writers and travelers have a few things in common – including the fact that they’re all somehow
trying to find their way to yay. Shantell has been finding her… Read more…
trying to find their way to yay. Shantell has been finding her… Read more…

Shantell Martin
Tall Tales From a Large Man
Using scientific proof and state-of-the-art multimedia techniques, Aaron James Draplin of the Draplin Design
Co. delivers a sucker-punch of a talk that aims to provide bonafide proof of work, the highs… Read more…
Co. delivers a sucker-punch of a talk that aims to provide bonafide proof of work, the highs… Read more…

Aaron James Draplin
Draplin Design Co
The Art of Messing With People
Why can’t a sword be used to create an art piece? What if spirit animals followed you on a bike ride? Shouldn’t
a pool light up with animations when you… Read more…
a pool light up with animations when you… Read more…

Zander Brimijoin
Red Paper Heart
The Humans Are Dead
Aren’t we living in interesting times? It seems like every week another piece of once futuristic technology
becomes reality: hoverboards, driverless cars and selfiesticks! Many tasks that only humans could… Read more…
becomes reality: hoverboards, driverless cars and selfiesticks! Many tasks that only humans could… Read more…

Mario Klingemann
The Motorcycle As Wearable Technology
Based on the science of how women ride, Torch Motorcycles is leading a revolution in the way motorcycles are designed and built. Torch Motorcycles are mining and mashing-up sousveillance, the quantified self and the… Read more…
Trust Your Insticts to Make Creative Decisions
Something that rarely gets taught at college or university is the art of the pitch, something Neil is constantly
striving to get better at. Neil will walk you through how he… Read more…
striving to get better at. Neil will walk you through how he… Read more…

Neil Huxley
Digital Domain
When Artificial Intelligence & Design Collide
Artificial Intelligence. Machine Learning. Big Data Analytics. Every week there’s a new buzzword but how can these tools and practices evolve digital design? By understanding more about end-users and their behaviour, we can… Read more…

Ramy Nassar
1000 Days Out
You’re Never Too Old to Achieve Your Dream
Yuko reflects on the ‘miserable’ career she had in corporate world, and the moment she made up her mind
and decided to pursue her dream of becoming an artist – at… Read more…
and decided to pursue her dream of becoming an artist – at… Read more…

Yuko Shimizu