Why hello there!

First, let me take this opportunity to introduce myself as the newly appointed Manager of Conversation at FITC. I look forward to being a part of this dynamic and game-changing team and I plan to make staying actively engaged and connected with the FITC community my top priority (while keepin’ things real around the office, of course.)

As you may already know, the charming Lindsay Munro has moved onto a new opportunity, and I am picking things up right where she left off. As sad as the FITC team was to see her go, I am proud to have been given the chance to carry the legacy of communications geekery.

With this newfound responsibility, I am fully prepared to bring an upbeat, kick-ass attitude, a ton of creative energy and a willingness to grow and learn to the table. If you have any comments, suggestions, concerns or brilliant ideas to share, feel free to reach out to me anytime. I couldn’t be more excited to be a part of the future and continuing growth here at FITC!

I have a feeling that I will get the chance to meet a lot of you over the next few months, so if you see me at an event or around town – don’t be afraid to introduce yourself! You can get in touch with me by email anytime at andrew@fitc.ca or connect with FITC online to stay up-to-date on what we’re up to.

Here’s where you can find us: