Web Unleashed 2016

2016-10-03 00:00:00 2016-10-05 00:00:00 America/Toronto Web Unleashed 2016 If you're a front-end developer, or aspire to be one, then you know how quickly the space changes. By attending Web Unleashed, you will get up-to-date on the skills to push you ahead in your career. Toronto FITC Toronto


It can be a struggle to translate the details of a design vision into the browser. Creating bitmap images, icons, and graphics can be time consuming and result in inconsistency and difficulty with managing updates. Scale-able vector graphics (SVGs) might be just what you’re looking for.

SVGs are now supported on every modern browser and mobile device, and usage is on the upswing, but most people only use them for icons. Most developers and designers don’t realize how powerful and useful SVGs are. From scale-able images to full-blown web applications, SVGs fit many needs.

Five Things Audience Members Will Learn

  1. The importance of understanding the capabilities of SVGs and how developers and designers can improve the quality of designs created in the browser
  2. Through an understanding of SVG capabilities you will know how each layer of Illustrator is rendered through SVGs in the browser
  3. You won’t learn about SVG font icons; you WILL learn about how to efficiently export SVGs so your team won’t curse your name. With SVGs you can render each design layer directly in the browser
  4. Apply filters, lighting effects, gaussian blur, and animations, all directly through the use of this file format. Get exactly what you want in the browser
  5. Plus a few favorite tips/tricks about SVG elements and attributes